Exactly How Much Water You Should Drink To Lose Weight Water is great for you. Proper hydration helps your brain stay alert, your cells function at top rate, and your exercise performance on key. There's another benefit to water, too, and it pertains to weight loss. That said, some so-called experts make it seem like H20 is an instant fat burner. Except that's not really true. It's a little more complex than that. Shop Now There's some truth behind the claim that water can help you lose weight. “Oftentimes water is pushed to those seeking weight loss because there is a belief that water can ‘fill you up’ leading to eating less often or less volume come meal time,” says Kelly Jones, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN. So because you’re filling up on water , you’ll be less likely to snack and can better control hunger. Plus, as the theory goes, when you are hydrated and eating foods that have high water content, you are more likely to have better hydration overall throughout the day t...